Thursday, February 28, 2013

Coding? What's That?

     This video is very interesting, as well as the article written about it "Gates, Zuckerberg: Kids, learn to code."  Unlike the majority of kids in the United States, if this video can be taken for its word, I actually did learn basic coding in High School. I was put in the class on accident, but it turned out to be pretty fun. I have forgotten alot of it, but this video does encourage me to maybe get back out there and do a little coding from time to time. Coding, can actually be very enjoyable. I did the "Hello World" project the man who created Valve (Gabe), discussed in the video, in the class I took in High School. It is a very satisfying feeling, seeing the thing you created pop up on screen. But I do have to comment on how they say coding is easy. While I am sure alot of it has changed in the 5 years since I first learned it, coding is not easy. Similar to learning math, or a new language, it can be very frustrating. Syntax errors are the bane of every programer's existenceespecially when you have pages and pages of code. Luckily, with really good sources on the internet, or even a friend who is familiar with programming, these errors can be found and solved reasonably quickly. 
I find it very amusing that they show these work places as such free and creative spaces. While alot of work places are becoming a lot more relaxed, it really does depend on where you work as to what your work environment will be like. I would be willing to bet a large sum of money that the programmers who work for the military and government aren't lounging around on couches playing video games and eating chips at work. But I understand the concept behind the video. It is a video trying to encourage kids and adults alike to try programming, and make it seem appealing. I have a few friends who are computer science majors, and from what I hear, the limited number of computer programmers is because it is not easy to get a degree in that field. It takes alot of hard work, and sometimes, alot more than just basic math skills to pass the kind of classes they have to take. It is a very positive message to spread, but it is important that the people who are interested in programming because of this video, be willing to take on a challenge if they wish to persue it as a career. 

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