Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Flash Mobs

 Let me just say, I really enjoy flash mobs.

Hallelujah Cafeteria
This is cool because no one expects a Hallelujah Choir in a Food Court at a mall. Clever use of the holiday pianist!

Anti-Bullying Day
This was a very cute and touching, Its amazing that all these students came together to spread awareness about bullying and how we should be more accepting.

Engineering Failure
Hilarious, I love that the Professor acts like hes upset at first then pops up later with a violin. I have so many high-school friends who are engineers, and I always hear how hard the freshman classes are. These people choose a very creative way to express it!

Wash Your Hands!
 This one I find very amusing because my mom is a nursing educator, and she teaches classes and helps educate the staff and visitors about the importance of hand washing. I have even been her assistant at community events to help teach people how to properly wash their hands. I think its cute and creative that this hospital put this together to help spread awareness about something so small, that can really save lives.

Flash mob in the Copenhagen Metro. Copenhagen Phil playing Peer Gynt.

So beautiful! If this happened when I was on a train I would be so happy.  This was a great way to remind people about classical music, and how beautiful it really is.

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