Friday, April 19, 2013

Video Art

This is a very well thought out and well executed stop motion. It is about a woman who sleeps with a  guy, who is famous, and then finds out about him being engaged. So she tries to forget about him and move on, but, she finds it difficult at first. Finally, she does move on, and shows him who is boss. This is video art because it uses video editing techniques, and stop motion animation though the capture of still and moving images to create a compelling narrative. The images are taken out of their original context and used to create an animation style video.

In this, a hand seemingly moves the cars and pedestrians around a parking lot. A film of a parking lot and a film of a hand following the movements in the parking lot are combined to create a new image, and thus video art.

Wherever the woman touches on the corner of the wall, a stream of ink is created and flows sideways across the wall. It is quite beautiful. Similar to the previous video, two films are combined to create a new image. The interesting part is that the ink is flowing in the wrong direction (hence the title "irregular flow"). This adds an visually interesting element to the composition, and its simple concept is partially why I like it.

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